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Steven Domingues

Thinks of things, then writes them down

First Round of Query Letters Out

Sent out the first round of query letters on Sunday night. One of the agencies said they’d get back to me in four weeks if they were interested (email auto-response). The others said nothing.

Now I get to play the waiting game I suppose.

It’s weird the thoughts that go through your head when making large decisions like this. I had a taste of it when submitting to the contest and the literary journal, but this was on a larger scale. Self-judgement I suppose? Feel like I’m in over my head.

If nothing comes if this (which, I’m really not expecting much to happen) then nothing changes. I keep writing for myself an life goes on.

If I get a response, well, that’s a whole other can of worms. To be clear, a response, either positive or negative is a step in the right direction. A positive step leading to an agent, or perhaps comments on how I could improve my query letter. Even a negative step, being completely ignored, I could spin into being positive. I would then be positively certain that I need to move my writing in a different direction.

Anyway, submitting those letters was hard. Hope things get easier.


One Response to “First Round of Query Letters Out”

  1. Maureen says:

    I’m praying the prayer of Jabez for you. That Jesus will bless you indeed, enlarge your territory and that His hand will be with you. Have faith my son in law!! You were meant for greatness!!!

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