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Steven Domingues

Thinks of things, then writes them down

One Down, Many More to Go

I recently finished editing Win Some, Lose Some. I think I’ve learned a lot from that project. I learned what it is to have and complete such a large commitment, but also how to sacrifice what I once thought was good story-telling for something that made more sense for the story as a whole.

At any rate, as far as I’m concerned, I’m finished with that project for a while (having outside parties read it right now, for feedback), and now it’s time to turn my attention to the next thing.

I have a sci-fi novel to write!

I finished the outline, revised it a few times and I’m proud to say that I’m very happy with the story and I’m excited to write it. I’m going to do the Clarion Write-a-thon again this year, so check back for information on that front. I’ll be writing this story as part of that.

(FYI- I kept track of my progress for
Win Some, Lose Some on my tumblr site last year. But this year I’ll probably just use this site)

Anyway, I’ve put some thought into a title and while it might change, what I’m going with now is:

“Universal Constant”

Boom, there it is. I also wrote the outline using a three act structure, and I’m going to keep that for the finished product. Also: prologue and epilogue.

For me, the prologue and epilogue are all about context for the story. Especially for a few of the characters. I don’t want an info dump scene at one point where a character tells another character his/her backstory just so the reader knows it. Instead, I’m writing a little bit in a characters past that serves as the prologue- so you, as the reader, knows what to expect from this character in the future.

Check back for more info soon.


One Response to “One Down, Many More to Go”

  1. penciledin says:

    Great title, bro.

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